July 28, 2024
VIRTUAL TOPOLOGIES, New Media Architecture & SIGGRAPH2024 present 0.9167 Gigaton/Km3 (Ice-TIme)
8:30-11:30 MDT. Westin Hotel façade, 16th & Arapahoe Streets, Denver.

Book Release: Chapter in Engaging the Margins: Experimental Practices in Interdisciplinary Art. Brill Press
June 3-7, 2024
Summer School: 'Climate Change: Cultural Practices and Socio-Economic Outcomes,' University of Bologna, Italy with Helsinki University, Finland, and Jagiellonian University, Poland.

September 13-16, 2023
Re:Source 2023: MAH Media Art Histories Conference, Venice Italy
    The Ice-Time Project: The Space-Time of Climate Change​​​​​​​: “Climate Actions, Environment and Public Humanities”
    The Moon as Subject and Form: “Pioneers of Media Art”
    Manifesting the Invisible:  The Poetics of Space, Time, Science, and NatureMaterial Poetics
        “Climate Actions, Environment and Public Humanities”

April 19-23, 2023
Trembling Time. European Media Art Festival. Osnabruck, Germany
Iceberg Cycle / Ice-Time 360°​​​​​​​

Released February, 2023
“Supra-dimensional Cinema: VR Case Study TesserIce,"  ISEA 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Art. Proceedings. Barcelona, Spain. 2022.

November 21, 2022
Just out in book form:
“@Apogee,  Dark Eden: Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture. Art + Australia, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. Colless, E., Eastwood, D., Lehmann, C., & Thomas, P. (Eds.). (2022).​​​​​​​

May 31, 2022
In publication at last:
“Somatic Poetics, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Vol 18, Numbers 2-3. Intellect Journals. October 2020. 

January 20-30, 2022
("Самое время снова запустить быструю коричневую лису… Не так ли?")
All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Moscow (Всероссийский музей декоративного искусства, Москва)
Moonwalk Variation V
Curated by Natalia Kolodzei

December 14, 2021 - January 7, 2022
Cosmos and Chaos, National Art Club, NYC
Moonwalk Variation V (2021) – Premiere

September 11-20, 2021
Pericynthion (2014) - memorial performances, Miraikan Museum, Tokyo, Geo-Cosmos Globe. 15:45-15:50 daily.
The beautiful, spherical illuminated video globe, the Geo-Cosmos, at the Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Technology and Innovation, Japan, will be decommissioned for long-term maintenance. 'Pericynthion' was created for this globe in 2014. Before construction begins, my film and others commissioned for the globe will screen daily. Entry to see the Geo-Cosmos is free. If you are Odaiba, please take the chance to see Pericynthion.

September 7-12, 2021
World Premiere: TesserIce, a 4D, VR experience of climate change on polar ice. With Jared Christopher Kelley, Max Orozco, and Angelika von Chamier. Created during the IMMENSIVA Residency, Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Barcelona, Spain.

September 9-13, 2021
May 6-9, 2021
UNCOMMON SENSES III, Back to the Future of the Senses, Concordia University Centre for Sensory Studies,  Montreal. Manifesting the Invisible, panel /Material Poetics , paper. Ice-Time 360°, virtual exhibition.
May-June 2021
I'm honored to be included in the IMMENSIVA Barcelona Residency 2021 Cohort.
November 26-28, 2020
November 6-8, 2020
DARK EDEN: Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference 2020, Sydney. @Apogee, paper. 
October 15, 2020
I am honored to have my dissertation, Somatic Montage: Supra-dimensional Composition in Cinema and the Arts, selected by Leonardo as one of the LABS top dissertation abstracts of 2019 at the intersections of art, science, and technology. 
Now in publication in the October 2020, issue of Leonardo:
September 14, 2020
We're getting ready to show ICE-TIME at ISEA2020: Why Sentience online art exhibition, October 13-18, 2020.
August 12,2020
We are honored that ICE-TIME is included in the DIGITAL POWER: Activism, Advocacy, and the Influence of Women Online exhibition hosted by Siggraph.org and curated by Kathy Rae Huffman.
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